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Board Books Cherise the Niece Cartoon Collections Dear Dumb Diary Donut the Bear Franny K. Stein Gift Books It's Happy Bunny Victor Shmud
Dear Dumb Diary - Year Two #6 - Live Each Day To The Dumbest
ISBN-13: 978-0-545-64258-3
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Sneak a peek inside the diary of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything she writes is true... or at least as true as it needs to be.
Dear Dumb Diary,I kept thinking about how things were so different in the olden times when my grandma went to school. The Internet hadn't been invented yet, and there were maybe three television channels, and I seriously doubt that there were any of the high-quality chewing gums that modern humas require.Try to imagine this.You know how you get impatient waiting ten seconds for your computer to start? My grandma had to wait fifty years for hers to start.Maybe that's why she seemed a little dumb to me.